Interested in Joining?
Bowling Section: We welcome all Bowling membership enquiries, so if you are interested in learning more, please get in touch. We look forward to showing you around the Club. You can contact the Bowling section by contacting the Club Administrator - please scroll down to the end of this page & fill in your details & submit.
If you wish to fill out an application form please access the form here.
Further information can also be found in the Bowling Section of this website.
Tennis Section: The Club is now accepting Application forms for membership in 2024.
If you wish to fill out an application form please access the form: Application form
Playing and attending club coaching is for members only, as non-members are not covered by the necessary club insurance. However, some coaching places in the Group classes in the Junior section are made available for non-members, depending on numbers in each age group. Junior camps, run at Easter & during the Summer occasionally have places also for non-members, depending on numbers.
Junior applications (under the age of 14) must be associated with an existing or new Senior member. A complete set of rules is available on request.
If you need any further information regarding the Tennis section please contact the Club using the form below.
Senior Bowling : €345 p.a.
€20 discount for Over 65’s
Includes €70 bar voucher
Senior Tennis: €370 p.a.** ​
Intermediate Tennis (18-25 yrs) €125 p.a.
Discount for Students (18-25yrs): €65 p.a.
Junior: €65 p.a.
Junior 14-18yrs: €125 p.a.
(without a senior member)​
** €20 discount for Over 65’s
** Includes €70 bar voucher