The bowling section of the club boasts a brand new state of the art grass bowling green, built to US PGA tour specifications. We also have excellent changing facilities, a well-appointed bar, and a large hall used for indoor bowling and all kinds of social events. Members are welcome to book the hall for all kinds of social functions.
We have a proud history of achievement in national leagues, international competitions and have had several members hold the rank of world champion. We are also renowned for the social and welcoming nature of our members.
We are always looking for new bowlers, from the absolute beginner to the seasoned bowler. If you would like to have a go, please make contact with us. Bowls is an ideal game for those who love playing team sports and want to get back into a team environment. We would be delighted to show you around and organise for you to try bowls at first hand.
If you are interested in receiving an Application form or details regarding Membership please email: contact@blackrockbtc.ie.
We welcome bowlers of all ages and standards – don’t worry if you are a complete beginner, there will always be a friendly face in Blackrock to help you to get up and running! We have coaching available for beginners and our teams cater for bowlers of all levels.
Our Green and Surrounds
Our green in Blackrock is the envy of many clubs. In 2015 the clay based green was replaced by a sand-based green, to USPGA standards. Sand, to a depth of 2 feet, was introduced and two grass types, Bentgrass and Poa Annua, were applied.
We are fortunate to have our own well supplying our tank with a capacity of 7,500 litres, which feeds the sprinkler system. At the peak season we cut up to five times per week and speed-roll twice a week. The green is top-dressed and aerated regularly throughout the season and the removal of morning dew is a 365 day-a-year task.
In wet conditions we use groundsheets to protect the grass surface. In addition to the above, over forty volunteer members, look after the upkeep of the surrounding flower beds and shrubs.
Ladies Bowling
Leagues: Blackrock ladies bowling club is affiliated to the Ladies Bowling League of Ireland (L.B.L.I)
Division 1 team play league matches on Wednesday afternoons @ 2.30 p.m. 16 ladies with four rinks of four ladies on each rink. The season starts end of April, right through to early September. ​
Division 3 team play Thursday afternoon @2.30p.m. 8 ladies with two rinks again four ladies on each rink.​
Saturday League is played on Saturday mornings @11a.m. 4 ladies one rink, this provides an opportunity for beginners & the more experienced players to play together.
Child Welfare
In accordance with legislation and Sport Ireland rules, the BLI and LBLI have approved the appointment of one person in the Bowling Section to carry out the duties of:
A. Child Protection Officer.
B. Designated Liaison Person
In broad terms the Child Protection Officer will be available to all underage players (under 18) as the person to confide in any actual or alleged; Bullying; Verbal or physical abuse; Neglect; including unfair exclusion from participation in coaching, training or selection.
Inappropriate behaviour including sexual, racist or social media shaming. ANY ADULT OR UNDERAGE PLAYER CAN REPORT ACTUAL OR ALLEGED ABUSE to the Child Protection Officer without undue delay. The Designated Liaison Person is the contact member in the Club who liaises with Gardai, Tusla or BLI.
​The current Child Protection Officer and Designated Liaison Person is Eoin O’Curry Ph 0876870324
Club Competitions
Alongside the league's and the LBLI competitions, the club run ladies and mixed pairs club competitions.These competitions are open to all bowlers at every level. They commence in May and the finals take place over a week end in September. We incorporate this event with the Captain's Day which is a great social for all to enjoy.
Winter League
Is played from late September through to February. This is played on artificial greens & Dun Laoghaire have facilitated Blackrock over the years, as a home ground. The Winter league is a mixed event & provides an opportunity for all levels to play together & gain experience.
Social / Mixed Bowling
Social Mixed bowling (R&R) is played on Tuesday mornings & Friday mornings (10.30 – 12noon) either indoor or outdoor depending on the Season. Any new member is welcome to join us & roll up. There’s a vast amount of bowling experience within the group. Each one eager to encourage a new member. Then after our game, we relax with cup of tea/coffee and a chat to catch up on local events & latest club news.
Executive Committee 2024
Chairperson: Una Hogan
Hon.Secretary: Maurice Treacy
Hon.Treasurer: Bernie Hedderman
Ladies Captain: Rosie Brown
Mens Captain: Tony Hogan
Competition Adam Kells (Men)
Secretaries: Deirdre McCann (Ladies)
Social Secretary: Louise Noble
Greens Convenor: Brian Kelly
Development Officer Mick Gibney